National Association of Activity Professionals Awards Eversound with Business Affiliate Award of Excellence
May 23, 2018
BOSTON, MA–Eversound, the provider of hearing technology and resident engagement solutions for senior living communities, has been named winner of the National Association of Activity Professionals (NAAP) 2018 Business Affiliate Award of Excellence.
“NAAP partnered with Eversound in 2017, and since that time Eversound has been a great resource for NAAP through shared networking opportunities, sponsorship, marketing strategies and support of the association and our members.” said Vanessa Emm, NAAP operations manager.
“Eversound’s innovative technology is leading the way for individual quality of life and overall well-being. NAAP recognizes the vital importance for products like Eversound in today’s senior communities,” Emm added. “We were so pleased to present Eversound with this award during our 36th annual conference in Philadelphia.”
Many activities professionals spend hours planning and preparing entertaining programs, only to be discouraged by the number of residents who fail to show up or are disengaged at events. In many cases the problem is simply that residents struggle to hear clearly due to natural age-related hearing loss.
Eversound, which is designed specifically for older adults, improves hearing clarity by providing direct audio to users’ ears. Communities using Eversound report significant improvements in resident participation, engagement, well-being and quality of life.
“We are humbled to receive such wonderful recognition from an organization we hold in such high regard,” said Matt Reiners, VP of customer impact and co-founder of Eversound. “As an organization dedicated to ending social isolation we understand activity professionals are the key to improving quality of life. We’re lucky to work with such a passionate group of individuals and are excited to support them into the foreseeable future.”