
Ontario Long Term Care Association Presents Plan To Enhance Seniors’ Care In Ontario

March 1, 2017

TORONTO–Last year more than 100,000 Ontarians relied on services provided by long-term care homes, the majority requiring care for complex conditions such as dementia. Over the next 20 years it is anticipated that there will be twice as many seniors over the age of 75 and, by extension, a growth in the number of people with complex needs who require long-term care services. Our seniors need to know that when they can no longer be cared for at home, the long-term care services they need will be there for them.

“The needs of our seniors will continue to rise and we need to ensure that our system is sustainable and set up for continued success,” said Candace Chartier, Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Long Term Care Association. “Right now, there are too many homes in need of redevelopment, specialized human resources vary from region-to-region, and the rate at which homes are being funded requires a minimum of inflationary growth.”

Addressed in their 16-page plan, the Association has articulated several priorities that, if acted upon, could help enhance long-term care in Ontario. These priorities include:
• Implementing a plan to modernize every long-term care home in Ontario that has been classified as outdated by the province – increasing the quality of care to the 35,000 seniors who live in these homes.
• Ensuring seniors outside of urban centres have sufficient access to care close to home.
• Providing a more predictable approach to funding and ensuring specialized resources are enhanced to support residents with increasing needs.

Almost 90% of seniors living in long-term care today have some form of cognitive impairment, such as dementia. Newer homes create a better, safer environment for all residents and staff.
“It is so very important that we get the needs of long-term care addressed today, so that we can sustain and improve it for future generations,” concluded Chartier. “Through our cost-efficient plan, we have presented several options to the government that will greatly improve care and supports for seniors. The time is now to make Better Seniors’ Care a priority.”

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