TCARE and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging Partner to Provide Evidence-Based Solutions to Address the Needs of Family Caregivers
July 3, 2019
ST. LOUIS, MO—To address the needs of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Title VI aging programs as they support family caregivers in their communities, the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) has partnered with TCARE to strengthen the capacity of its members to support family caregivers. The partnership will provide n4a’s primary members with a discounted rate to access TCARE’s evidence-based solution to support family caregivers who help manage the health and wellness of their loved ones.
Whether it is arranging medical appointments, providing transportation, managing finances, or coordinating care, family caregivers often handle multiple aspects that affect the well-being of their loved ones. Through the use of intelligent algorithms that analyze a caregiver’s behavioral, emotional and social determinants of health, TCARE’s evidence-based, Medicaid 1115 approved, and ACL-accredited family caregiver burnout solution helps family caregivers manage their own needs by suggesting specific goals and strategies that can be used to combat caregiver burnout with targeted resources, all provided at the right time and right place.
“TCARE is excited to partner with n4a to help n4a’s members create partnerships with local payers and providers while providing means to measure the financial impact of the good work that AAAs are doing,” said Ali Ahmadi, TCARE CEO.
“n4a and our members know very well the challenges that caregivers can face in managing the care of their loved ones,” said n4a CEO Sandy Markwood. “We are pleased that, through this partnership, n4a can help support the ability of our members to access TCARE’s valuable evidence-based solutions to help family caregivers develop custom care plans to manage their own needs, as well as the needs of those for whom they provide care.”