
The Legacy Senior Communities Completes Strategic Planning Sessions With Community-Wide “Visioning Day”

June 11, 2019

PLANO, TX–The next 65 years for The Legacy Senior Communities will enhance upon the needs of today’s seniors as the industry continues to evolve. With that in mind, the not-for-profit charitable organization recently hosted a Dallas community-wide “visioning day” to begin picturing the future of the organization and determining how The Legacy Senior Communities aspires to address the needs of Dallas-area Jewish seniors and their families in the next five years.

During the visioning event, Legacy Senior Communities employees, board members and residents, along with their families, supporters, partner organizations and interested parties met to discuss the issues facing the community. After breaking into small groups, those in attendance took the topics discussed and crafted statements which they felt reflect how The Legacy Senior Communities should look as an organization. Each group then presented their statement at the closing session, with the draft statements serving as the foundation for a vision statement for The Legacy Senior Communities’ direction over the next five years.

The endeavor brought together integral members of The Legacy Senior Communities family to ensure that as the organization looks toward the future of serving Greater Dallas Jewish seniors and their families, the past traditions and values of the organization are continued.

“Hosting a community-wide visioning day is a first for our organization,” said Melissa Orth, president and CEO of The Legacy Senior Communities. “As we plan for our future, it is important to ensure we’re doing all that we can to continue providing quality Jewish senior programming and services. In hosting this event, we brought our entire organization and partners together to set the tone for where we want to go and how we can achieve our goals. We know that the wants and needs of today’s seniors and their loved ones are continuing to evolve, and we want to be prepared to meet those changing needs. Additionally, we understand the importance of reflecting and building on our past to carry with us the values that are the foundation of everything we do.”

The Legacy Senior Communities is dedicated to ensuring the organization is equipped to meet today’s baby boomers head on as they enter the senior living market. By expanding its services with the addition of hospice care and a new state-of-the-art community, The Legacy Midtown Park, the organization has already begun taking steps in anticipation of the increased demand and desires expected in modern senior living.

“We were thrilled to have the opportunity to come together as an organization and remember our past while looking ahead,” said Jerry Rasansky, chair of the board of trustees for The Legacy Senior Communities. “The day brought forward a number of perspectives as we worked to prepare for our future as an organization. We’ve long been known in the Jewish community for innovative care, and by coming together in this way, we’ve positioned ourselves to continue providing high-quality care for years to come.”

Visioning day was organized by Orth and vice president of The Legacy Senior Communities board Sharon Levin, who served as a task force co-chair for the meeting with the assistance of organizational development consultant Christina Drouin. According to Levin, the idea was to allow everyone to have a voice in where the organization goes in the next half-decade and to show that The Legacy Senior Communities is dedicated to evolving with the senior living industry as it continues to change.

“Today’s seniors want options and want to see that organizations like ours are evolving and adapting to fit their needs,” said Levin. “Our aim through visioning day was to better position ourselves to serve seniors now and in the future. In the past year alone, we’ve had big changes and expanded the services we provide in our organization, and we want to ensure that each one of those opportunities continues to lead to high-quality service for Jewish seniors and their families. As we move forward with construction on The Legacy Midtown Park and begin offering hospice services through The Legacy at Home, it’s more important than ever that we take the stability we have as an organization and apply it to our future plans.”

Having the opportunity to be a part of such an event was an honor for former board chair and current resident of The Legacy Willow Bend, Buddy Rosenthal. Visioning day allowed Rosenthal and others who have had a lifelong commitment and tie to the organization to leave further imprints on the direction of The Legacy Senior Communities.

“About a year ago, we came together to discuss the most important issues facing us as an organization, and visioning day was one of the ways we devised to ensure we are prepared for all that lies ahead,” said Rosenthal. “I’ve been involved in The Legacy Senior Communities in various capacities for over 40 years, but I never would have imagined needing to utilize the services provided by the organization. It’s with this in mind that we want to be prepared to meet those who don’t know what services they will need and when they will need them. With our forethought, we’ve set a precedent for where we want to be and the path we want to follow, and I’m looking forward to seeing our goals unfold over the next few years.”

The Legacy Senior Communities Inc. is the parent company of The Legacy Willow Bend (a life care community), The Legacy at Home (Personal Assistance Services, Home Health Care and Hospice Services), and The Legacy Midtown Park (a new, premier rental community now under construction). The Legacy Senior Communities is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to providing a wide range of services to seniors. Although the services and communities of The Legacy are Jewish-sponsored, they honor and welcome all faiths.

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