Willow Springs Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center Introduces Clinical Concierge Program
March 4, 2022
Further pairing its clinical excellence with enhanced communication and support for residents and their families, Willow Springs Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center has introduced a Clinical Concierge Program, welcoming Kelly Dahms, RN, as its new nurse concierge. The 163-bed skilled nursing facility, located at 1049 Burnt Tavern Road in Brick Township, provides post-hospital care, short-term rehab and long-term residential care.
Willow Springs’ Clinical Concierge Program facilitates seamless communication among residents, their caregivers, and the facility’s nursing and medical staff. As the nurse concierge, Dahms assists in educating residents on their medical conditions and medications. She also liaises with residents’ caregivers, providing regular updates, including changes in condition, and answering any questions they may have.

“I am thrilled to join Willow Springs’ talented team and share in the facility’s emphasis on the importance of communication,” said Dahms, who possesses a deep nursing background, including previous experience as a staff nurse at Jersey Shore University Medical Center’s Step-Down Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit and as manager of a subacute rehabilitation unit. In addition to her nursing degree, Dahms earned a master’s degree in Health and Wellness Coaching from the Maryland University of Integrative Health.
Willow Springs Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center develops its specialized programming with Marquis Health Consulting Services, which supports the facility. “Willow Springs’ Clinical Concierge Program is one of a kind in the area,” said Marquis’ Pam Montemurno, regional director of market development. “The facility is pleased to have Kelly and her extensive medical training in this expanded role; she has such a warm, caring manner.”
Willow Springs maintains a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In addition to its clinical programming, the facility, together with Marquis, has established a resource library of physician-curated content, addressing many topics of interest for families of patients and the larger community. The library and more information on the skilled nursing facility can be found at willowspringsrehab.com.
Based in Brick, N.J., Marquis Health Consulting Services is a highly skilled and vision-driven nursing home consulting company currently supporting Mid-Atlantic and New England facilities totaling approximately 6,000 skilled nursing and assisted living beds.